الاثنين، 30 نوفمبر 2015

A Balanced Life Requires Life Skills

Based on my professional and personal experiences relating to Personal Growth and Development I found that there are a number of issues everybody faces at one point or another. Becoming aware of and acquiring the life skill to handle them makes a huge difference to the quality of your day-to-day life. Having certain life skills and knowing when to reach for one can be compared to knowing that the toothbrush is used to clean your teeth.
If you want to be more selective what you say 'yes' to means learning how to say 'no'. By choosing to behave differently, together with practice and repetition, the brain will rewire itself - neuroscience has proven this. For a more balanced and consequently better quality of life it is worth looking into which life skills your 'tool kit' needs acquiring or upgrading. Also, know that maintenance is of the utmost importance - just because you took one bath does not mean you never have to take another one!
In my coaching practice I like to take care of the 'housekeeping' before my client and I focus on achieving the goal they came to coaching for. By 'housekeeping' I mean finding out if certain skills are already in place, need exploring, upgrading or acquiring. To name a few:
·         Saying 'No'
·         Allowing yourself to take some 'me time'
·         Or knowing how to schedule time to think away from technology
·         Having a grip on time management
·         Understanding what to do in a stressful moment
·         Being comfortable with asking for help
·         Comfortable to communicate
·         Knowing your Core Values
·         Knowing that change involves practice and repetition! In time the brain rewires itself (you get rid of the 'virus in the software)
·         Upgrading your social / interpersonal skills
·         Enhancing your Self-Esteem / Self-Confidence
·         Etc.
In coaching once the basic life skills are in place and being maintained we move on to focus on the goal and moving forward.
BALANCE - A Practical Handbook for Life's Difficult Moments is the result of wanting everybody to have access to learn these skills without necessarily having to work with a coach, or as my clients tell me 'they refer to the book when they need a 'top up'.
Suzie Doscher is a Life Coach focusing on Personal Development, Professional Senior Coach with the International Institute of Coaching and Mentoring (IIC & M), a Certified Facilitator of the Now What?TM Coaching program,Suzie's book 'BALANCE - A Practical Handbook for Life's Difficult Moments' on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Balance-Practical-Handbook-Difficult-Moments/dp/1493780433

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9104468
Based on my professional and personal experiences relating to Personal Growth and Development I found that there are a number of issues everybody faces at one point or another. Becoming aware of and acquiring the life skill to handle them makes a huge difference to the quality of your day-to-day life. Having certain life skills and knowing when to reach for one can be compared to knowing that the toothbrush is used to clean your teeth.

If you want to be more selective what you say 'yes' to means learning how to say 'no'. By choosing to behave differently, together with practice and repetition, the brain will rewire itself - neuroscience has proven this. For a more balanced and consequently better quality of life it is worth looking into which life skills your 'tool kit' needs acquiring or upgrading. Also, know that maintenance is of the utmost importance - just because you took one bath does not mean you never have to take another one!

In my coaching practice I like to take care of the 'housekeeping' before my client and I focus on achieving the goal they came to coaching for. By 'housekeeping' I mean finding out if certain skills are already in place, need exploring, upgrading or acquiring. To name a few:

Saying 'No'
Allowing yourself to take some 'me time'
Or knowing how to schedule time to think away from technology
Having a grip on time management
Understanding what to do in a stressful moment
Being comfortable with asking for help
Comfortable to communicate
Knowing your Core Values
Knowing that change involves practice and repetition! In time the brain rewires itself (you get rid of the 'virus in the software)
Upgrading your social / interpersonal skills
Enhancing your Self-Esteem / Self-Confidence
In coaching once the basic life skills are in place and being maintained we move on to focus on the goal and moving forward.

BALANCE - A Practical Handbook for Life's Difficult Moments is the result of wanting everybody to have access to learn these skills without necessarily having to work with a coach, or as my clients tell me 'they refer to the book when they need a 'top up'.

Suzie Doscher is a Life Coach focusing on Personal Development, Professional Senior Coach with the International Institute of Coaching and Mentoring (IIC & M), a Certified Facilitator of the Now What?TM Coaching program,Suzie's book 'BALANCE - A Practical Handbook for Life's Difficult Moments' on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Balance-Practical-Handbook-Difficult-Moments/dp/1493780433

Article Source: EzineArticles

Three Tips to Lead a Happy Life

Who doesn't want to be happy? In fact, we all do. But, in the hullabaloo of life, we forget to live life happily and get trapped in the grasp of dismay and worries. It's not like that we don't have any way to be cheerful, when we are taken for a ride by troubling and negative thoughts. We always have a way to bounce with happiness once we are hit by unhappy thoughts. But we are so much controlled by the whirlwind of gloomy thoughts that we cannot think clearly.

This article will discuss three points that can help you become happy and cheerful in any adverse situation. These points are as follow:

Choose to be Happy

You must choose to be happy. Now, you might be thinking that what kind of advice is this and how you can choose to be happy. In fact, you can do it. Most of all can do this. In our daily life, we come across many people who don't have much in their possessions. But, still, they are happy and cheerful. Actually, happiness is not a byproduct. It is an attitude. Learn to smile in the face of difficulties.

Famous American author Ernest Hemingway said in his magnum opus 'The Old Man and The Sea',

"But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated."

Live in the state of Gratitude

One of the easiest ways to feel content is to live in the state of gratitude. You have the right to say that for what you should be grateful. We all have countless blessings that we simply ignore. We are alive. This is the biggest blessing we have. Many people on the face of the earth don't have food and shelters on their heads. When you feel your heart is sinking, just start counting your blessings. You will be relieved in no time. Form a habit of living in gratitude. This will certainly light your heart with happiness in a gloomy state.

Focus on Long-term Goals

Get attuned to your long-term goals. Most of the times, our short-term goals make us disappointed. If we focus on our long-term goals and try to achieve them, we will be more relaxed and happy. Nothing worthwhile can be achieved without hurdles. So, focus on your long-term goals and work hard to achieve them.

You should not forget that all the successful people in the world have unsuccessful past. They keep on trying and then finally met success. So, never let hurdles snatch your peace and make you restless. Be happy. It is a habit. It is an attitude. And most importantly, you owe it to yourself to be happy. Remember:

"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions."

Article Source: EzineArticles

Living a Life Without Limits

Do you know that you can literally achieve anything you set your mind too? If this is true, why do we create limits for ourselves? I've often times pondered this. If we truly want to achieve something in our lives - why are we constantly creating limits? Okay, maybe we not consciously doing this. That would be self sabotage. However, most of the time we are unconsciously doing this to ourselves without even knowing it. Pretty scary, huh? So lets dig into this further, what are these limits we are creating? In short, its self imposed beliefs. Believe it or not, this is what's creating limits in our life, thus delaying and sometimes even stopping us from reaching our goal.

Ever heard of the story of the Horse and The Ryder? Most of the time, as the Ryder we feel like we have control of the horse. If we want to go left, the horse goes left. If we want to go right, the horse goes right. But what happens when the horse is hungry or thirsty? No matter how much we pull the horse to the left or the right, the horse will go straight to the destination of finding some water - no matter how hard we try. Sound familiar? The Ryder is our conscious mind and the Horse is our unconscious mind. So in order to achieve what we desire in life with no limits - The Horse & Ryder needs to be in complete alignment or else there will always be this constant struggle going on.

There Are No Limits

There is a statement from The Skool of Life that states:

"One Belief: THERE ARE NO LIMITS. First and foremost I want to say this. All of the limitations in our lives are self imposed and we can overcome them. The one belief that will enable to go beyond any limits is the belief that there are no limits."

A guy who truly inspires me is Nick Vujicic from Life Without Limbs - did he let his physical limitations stop him from achieving his goals, dreams and the ability to inspiring others? Not at all!

Once we get this in our heads and remove the self imposed beliefs (non truths) that are not serving us, our lives will naturally move towards what we desire in our life.

So how do we change these non truths so that we can allow our new truths to serve us?

First, we must identify these non truths/self defeating beliefs. It may be something we learned growing up, or perhaps something someone told you. The good news is that you can reject those self defeating beliefs.

Secondly, create NEW Truths and beliefs. For instance, if your old truth was "I will never lose all this weight". Your new truth will be "I can and will lose all the weight"

Third, ask yourself what can you do to move towards your dreams now working in alignment with these new truths. Let's use the previous example. So if your new truth is "I can and will lose all the weight", then you need to write down SPECIFIC steps and goals that will allow you to reach that goal. (I.e, finding an exercise routine that works for you, learning healthy recipes, find a mentor or coach who is where YOU WANT TO BE).

Lastly - Stay Committed and Dedicated To Your Goal/Dream. We all will experience set backs, but what makes a successful person successful is the ability to keep on going (no matter what!) until you reach your goal. You can and WILL DO IT (only if you believe that you can!)

Achieve Anything - Change Everything

In closing, want to share from The Secret Scrolls Email I receive on a weekly basis from Rhonda Byrne of The Secret:

No-one is destined to live a life of poverty, because each of us has the ability to change everything in this life. The law of attraction is the law of creation, and it allows each person to create the life they want. Every person has their own unique circumstances to overcome, but every single person has the opportunity to achieve anything - and change everything.

I firmly believe that each one of us was destined to succeed. We all have the "spark of creation" inside of us. But its only those who choose to use this inner power are the ones that will achieve and succeed in their life. Read books, listen to audios, surround yourself with successful people. Did you know statistics show that your income is the average of the 5 closest people in your life? Now I am not saying to get rid of your 5 closest people in your life, but what I am saying is continue to surround yourself with those who are where you want to go. Coupled with your new truths, faith, goals, action (remember faith without action is dead), and commitment - there is no reason why you can't succeed.

I Believe In You - Believe in Yourself

Go and Live The Life of Your Dreams - No Limits!

Article Source: EzineArticles

What Is Your Dream Life?

Don't we all have dreams? If someone could wave a magic wand and grant you one wish, what would that one wish be? What is your dream life? Do you have one or are you one who feels you are destined to a life of hardship and that you don't have a choice in the matter? Do you believe in dreams? Do you believe they can come true?

My dream life

I want to be happy and healthy. I want to live at or near the beach. I want to travel. I want to finish my quest to visit every major league baseball stadium. I want to leave a positive legacy and be remembered as an honorable person. I want to be able to make money wherever I am, enjoy doing it, and be able to do it, or not, whenever I want. I want to be able to do what I do for as long as I live.

What is your dream life?

What does it take?

I will paraphrase a saying I heard many years ago that I really like: If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there?

Dreaming is where it begins. There is no right or wrong. They are our dreams. Do you allow yourself to dream?

Some think it's just a waste of time.

How will your dreams ever come true if you don't allow yourself to dream?

To make dreams come true, we must know what they are. From there, it's a matter of doing what is necessary to make it happen.

I will paraphrase another saying I heard long ago that I also like: A dream without a plan is just a wish.

Devise a plan and follow it.


But nothing!

Nobody said it would be easy. If they did, either they don't know what they're talking about or they're lying, or both.

If our dreams are to come true there are bound to be bumps in the road, so to speak, and there are bound to be setbacks, perhaps many of them.

My mother used to always say, "If it is to be, let it begin with me."

Rarely do dreams come true without sacrifice, blood, sweat, and tears. Let's be honest. That's the way it is.

I'm too (insert excuse here)

I'm too old. I'm too young. I'm too small. I'm too tall. I'm too fat. I'm too tired. I can't afford it. I just can't.

"Those who believe they can and those who believe they can't are both right." Henry Ford.
If you're anything like me, you've spent many years and countless hours talking yourself out of why you can't or shouldn't do what you really want to do. If you need help with coming up with excuses, I can provide several for you.

There's a huge difference between valid reasons and excuses.

Excuses are not allowed.

Find a way to make it happen.

What's your excuse?

About me

From what I've written so far, you may think I've accomplished everything and that I'm living my dream life, right?


Nothing could be further from the truth.

However, for the first time in my life I am actually doing what it takes to live my dream life. The best way to describe it is I am paying the price as I write this.

On the other hand, I've been paying the price pretty much my entire life by not paying the price. Let that sink in for a bit.

Until a few years ago, I spent my whole life trying to live up to someone else's standards. It's not to say I never got what I wanted but I never made a decision to really go for it and live my dream life.

In 1982 I lost everything trying to live my dream life. The problem was I didn't really know what my dream was and I definitely didn't have a plan. I gave up on myself and went back to doing what others expected me to do. Things got better.

In 2001, I came close to losing everything again while trying to live my dream life. Again, I gave up on myself and went back to doing and being what others said I should be and do. Things got better. In fact, things got a lot better. At least that's how it looked to the outside world.

Then in 2012, things started to unravel. I lost my job as a teacher for the second time. It was at that time that I decided, at the age of 58, that I'm not looking back this time. I'm going for it. I'm going to pursue my dream.

In 2013 my now ex-wife wasn't on board with my dreams and me. She said she wanted a divorce.v

Let's just say it's not been easy and it's not easy now, but it's better than it was, and it's getting better all the time.

There's still a lot on my bucket list.

It's a journey

Life is a journey. Dreams are not destinations. They are gateways to other dreams. They make the journey much more interesting, fun, and fulfilling.

The big dream is made up of small dreams along the way that make up the big dream.

None of us will live forever. Doesn't it make sense to spend our time alive doing what we really want to do, at least as much as possible?

Does it not make sense to enjoy life with as many others who aspire for the same goals and dreams?

Isn't the journey more meaningful if we can help others along the way and allow others to help us?

What is your dream life?

Bob is an online affiliate marketer with an extensive background in sales and marketing.

He is also a life insurance and safe money professional with more than 20 years experience. His company, A Bulletproof Life is based on the 5 F's: Food, fitness, finances, fulfillment, fun.

His personal and company motto are the same: Honesty, respect, best effort.

Article Source: EzineArticles